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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Top Ten Authors On My Auto-Buy List

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors On My Auto-Buy List
This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish.  Go check them out. 

1.  Stephanie Perkins

2.  Dee Henderson

3.  Lisa Burstein

4.  Suzanne Collins

5.  Lauren Oliver

6.  Julie Kagawa

7.  Ellen Hopkins

I'm sure there are more out there but I'm having a hard time getting them to come into my head.


  1. I have Lauren Oliver on my list, too.
    Great picks! I love Julie Kagawa, too. I've seen Stephanie Perkins on lots of lists, but I've only ever read Anna and the French Kiss.
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesdays Post
    Megan @ Love, Literature, Art, and Reason

  2. I definitely agree with you about Stephanie Perkins, Julie Kagawa, and Lauren Oliver. Those authors are on my auto-buy list as well! Great list!

  3. Lauren Oliver would be on my list if I could have more than 10!! A lot of people like Stephanie Perkins, but I'm not sure I'd be into them. I'm a new GFC follower. Check out my Top 10.

    1. Thanks for the follow. I was a bit hesitant about Ms. Perkins as well put it was worth the plunge.

  4. I chose a few of those same authors!! those are some good ones!
    @ Escape To New Worlds

    1. Also new GFC follower! love the blog!

    2. Thanks so much. And yea for choosing some of the same authors.

  5. Great list :) I havent read any Julie Kagawa but I've heard wonderful things about the Iron Fey series, and I have it on my Kindle :)
    Beth @ YA Vixens
    Vixen's Top Ten!

    1. Oh the dusty corners of our e-readers. My nook is full of them. Sadly.


  6. Wow, I so gotta check out a Kagawa book and I have Divergent and Delirium on my bookshelf but I'm scared to read them for the fear of what if I don't like them. Eeep.

    Great list, Diedra. =D

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    1. Fear keeps us from great books ;) Thanks for the follow!

  7. Great list! I especially love Stephanie Perkins and Julie Kagawa!

  8. Stephanie Perkins is on my list too! I've seen her a ton today. And seriously, I cannot wait to read Isla and the Happily Ever After!

    1. OMGOSH I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL THAT BOOK COMES OUT! Ok down exclaiming now.

  9. Totally agree with you on Suzanne Collins! I really like Hopkins, too, but her books are so gritty that I have to pace myself, you know? The Crank trilogy was so compelling, though!

    Glad to have found you via TTT.

    1. Oh I seriously understand pacing. I wait months before starting the next one of her books, and I own all of them. Just so much intensity you know? YAY finding fellow book lovers!

  10. What a great list! I've read something from everyone except Ellen Hopkins. I adore Stephanie Perkins & Dee Henderson!

    1. You love Dee Henderson? OMGOSH let's be best friends. Did you know that Jennifer's story is on NetGalley. I kinda fangirled out a bit over that.

  11. Awesome list!! Loooove Stephanie Perkins and Lauren Oliver. =)

    1. I have decided that everyone should. It should be a rule or something.

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