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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favorite Characters
This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Go check them out.  

This is just a quick list.  I tried to include my classics with my moderns.  Enjoy.

1.  Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss.  Show me a girl who didn't love him.  And I'll call her crazy.  He was am amazing character, and I'm going to love him forever.
2.  Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind.  The first bad boy I fell in love with.  When I was in sixth grade, I discovered the book.  I was never the same.  I've read the book over and over again since then, and he still gets me.  
3.  Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games.  Ok third boy in a row.  I know.  Peeta was just so the boy you want to have in your life.  His character makes you believe that maybe there is just a Peeta out there for you who adores you.
4.  America Singer from The Selection.  She may just be on the list since I just finished the book.  But still she was just such a strong character with compassion, support, and such an easy going personality. I admired her passion.
5.  Jo March from Little Women.  She is my ultimate model of a strong woman.  She was a writer, a reader, and she went against the grain.  She had a temper, but she had the heart to make it right.  And she always cared more about the people she loved than to give them everything they want.
6.  Anne Shirley from the Anne of Green Gables series.  She made me believe in imagination.  I truly believed in the power of words, romance, and happily ever afters.  I used to wish I had red hair just like her.
7.  Michael Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries.  In a way, Michael is like Peeta for me.  Of course he was next to Mia, princess of awkward, so it was a bit different.  He was still the perfect romantic boyfriend nonetheless.
8.  Meg Murray from A Wrinkle in Time.  Brainy.  Fabulous.  Discovering tesseracts one at a time as the coolest and best sister on any planet.  
9.  Tock from The Phantom Tollbooth.  A watchdog that is basically a dog that is a watch?  Yep that book was amazing and so was Tock.
10. Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.  I have yet to decide which one I love more.  The strong Elizabeth or the incredible Mr. Darcy.  The book is one of my favorites, and that couple just tops my favorite in the ultimate romance of all time.

What's your top ten?  Leave me your link in a comment.


  1. Anne Shirley is a big favorite of mine. Nice mix of strong and kind.

    Here's my list of
    Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters in Books.
    Please stop by and let me know what you think.

  2. I can't believe I forgot about Jo and Anne! Ahhh!

  3. Love your list! I want to go read Gone With the Wind now!

  4. Aw, I love Peeta! Although I probably love Katniss the most in the whole Hunger Games series. And yay to Rhett Butler and Jo March!

  5. Great list! A lot of people have Jo on their list, and I think she was my favourite in The Little Women, actually.

    Feel free to check out my list :)

  6. I had a hard time picking between Peeta and Katniss. They were both amazing! I almost picked Peeta, but then I figured Katniss... now I'm leaning more towards Peeta... oy...

    I'd love it if you stopped by and checked out my Top Ten.

  7. Peeta is a great choice. I'm not sure how I managed to leave him (or Katniss) off my list!

    Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is very pretty!

  8. Great list! I totally forgot about Anne! Thanks for stopping my blog!

  9. Hehe, Peeta is a nice character ^-^ But sorry, I have Gale on mine! I also love your song of the week feature. Cady Groves is amazing~ Great post, and you have a new follower as well. Please check mine out: My TTT<--- :)

  10. You are very correct. Cady Groves is amazing.

  11. Great list! I completely with your choice of Jo March :)
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog

  12. How could I have forgotten Jo March?! Love her! Tock was fun too, I've got to reread that book soon. I listed Anne also. :-) Here's my Top Ten.

  13. Love your list, especially the inclusion of Anne Shirley :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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