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Friday, February 15, 2013

Inspired Fridays

Inspired Fridays is a weekly meme hosted by Inkk Reviews.  I thought it would be fun to pull some of my Pinterest bookish ideas onto here AND support a blog I love.  

I saw this a while back and I LOVE it.  I am seriously thinking about getting this together for some birthday presents for my bookish friends who also have a thing for caffeine.  It seems pretty simple, and I know I would love to have a mug with one of my favorite book quotes.  
Do you love the mugs too?  You can find the how-to here.    


  1. oh i loooove this idea! and it works great. Krisha made me a cup for christmas and the writing is still on there! all you need is a plain mug and a sharpie and an oven! so easy to do! thanks for taking part in our inspired friday's meme! you rock! - Katie @ Inkk


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