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Friday, February 22, 2013

Inspired Fridays

Inspired Fridays is a weekly meme hosted by Inkk Reviews.  I thought it would be fun to pull some of my Pinterest bookish ideas onto here AND support a blog I love.  

When I get my own classroom, this will be in my reader's corner.  It will.  I will be adding some places like Wonderland and Panem.  Maybe more than that... But still, I love this idea.  I pinned this idea, but the source of the idea is here.  

What inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the love, Deidra! I like the idea of having this in a reading nook. It may help to make the required readings a little more fun! And of course Panem!!!
    If I ever get my reading "shed", I'd definitely have to have one of these nearby.
    ~Krisha @ Inkk


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