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Monday, February 18, 2013

My Top Ten Favorite Dystopian Characters

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Most Favorite Characters In X-Genre
This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish.  Go check them out.

Ok so I have chosen the genre of the dystopian if only because I love the genre with all of my heart.  They make me feel so incredibly happy inside.  

1.  Lena from Delirium series

2.  Tobias from Divergent series

3.  Prince Maxon from The Selection

4.  Katniss from The Hunger Games

5.  Warner from Shatter Me

6.  Prince Po from Graceling

7.  Cinder from Lunar Chronicles

8.  Marina from Lorien Legacies

9.  Kira from The Gathering Blue 

10.  Aria from Under the Never Sky

Did you make a list?  Leave me a link!


  1. I picked Dystopian, too!! Yay! LOVE your list, we share a lot! Including Warner...rawr :) And I LOVE that you have Kira from Gathering Blue! I chose Jonas for one of mine, The Giver is what totally made me fall in love dystopia when I was like 9 years old and didn't even know what the word meant. GREAT list :)

  2. Cinder's on my list too! I love how she became an even stronger character in the 2nd book. :) My TTT is Favorite Characters from Fairy Tales/Fairy Tale Retellings: http://aliceinreaderland.com/2013/02/18/favorite-characters/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. Po is on my list, too :) Four and Cinder would totally be on my list as well if I'd chosen dystopian.

  4. Lena, Tobias, Katniss, and Aria. Yes, definitely some of my all-time favs. Especially Tobias and Aria. The rest I'm still dying to read.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Check out my Tuesday meme post here

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

  5. I agree with pretty much everyone on your list. Especially Tobias *swoons*.
    Followed you :)

  6. Awesome choices. I also picked Katniss. New follower via GFC. my TTT

  7. I've read most of these, and I love your picks...especially Katniss and Cinder!


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