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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jilly at Breaking The Spine.   It features each blogger's most anticipated books.  This week, my pick is Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers.

Summary:  Sybella arrives at the convent’s doorstep half mad with grief and despair. Those that serve Death are only too happy to offer her refuge—but at a price. Naturally skilled in both the arts of death and seduction, the convent views Sybella as one of their most dangerous weapons.

But those assassin’s skills are little comfort when the convent returns her to a life that nearly drove her mad. Her father’s rage and brutality are terrifying, and her brother’s love is equally monstrous. And while Sybella is a weapon of justice wrought by the god of Death himself, He must give her a reason to live. When she discovers an unexpected ally imprisoned in the dungeons, will a daughter of Death find something other than vengeance to live for?

This heart-pounding sequel to Grave Mercy serves betrayal, treachery, and danger in equal measure, bringing readers back to fifteenth century Brittany and will keep them on the edge of their seats.
I love that this story takes place from Sybella's POV.  She was one of the most mysterious of the characters in Grave Mercy.  I loved the setting of the first book and the atmosphere it lent to the story.  I can not wait to get my hands on this one and see what happens next!

Expected Publication:  April 2 by Houghton Mifflin Books for Children  

What are you waiting on?


  1. I LOVED Grave Mercy and I can't wait for this book either!!!!

    Here's my WOW pick.

    Wit and Sin

  2. You're so right about Sybella being one of the most mysterious characters in Grave Mercy - I'm so excited to read from her PoV!

    My WoW this week is Thornhill by Kathleen Peacock!

  3. I haven't heard of this. I like fantasy, and this sounds pretty good :)
    Beth @ YA Vixens
    Vixen's WoW!

  4. So looking forward to this! I loved the first one. Great pick. Please check out my WoW!

  5. I loved Grave Mercy! Can't wait for this book :)

    my WoW

  6. Enjoy! your pick!


  7. I haven't read book one yet but I've heard great things about it. I hope you enjoy your pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  8. I quite liked Grave Mercy, but I'm far more excited for this one because I'm more interested in this main character. EEP :D

    Books of Amber


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