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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Deidra Reviews The Chaos of Stars

Author:  Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: 10 September 2013
Format: E-galley
Sourse: Edelweiss
Pages: 288
Summary:  Isadora’s family is seriously screwed up.

Of course, as the human daughter of Egyptian gods, that pretty much comes with the territory. She’s also stuck with parents who barely notice her, and a house full of relatives who can’t be bothered to remember her name. After all, they are going to be around forever—and she’s a mere mortal.

Isadora’s sick of living a life where she’s only worthy of a passing glance, and when she has the chance to move to San Diego with her brother, she jumps on it. But Isadora’s quickly finding that a “normal” life comes with plenty of its own epic complications—and that there’s no such thing as a clean break when it comes to family. Much as she wants to leave her past behind, she can’t shake the ominous dreams that foretell destruction for her entire family. When it turns out there may be truth in her nightmares, Isadora has to decide whether she can abandon her divine heritage after all.
My Favorite Lines:
“I can't seem to keep my heart from leaking out of the cracks, like sand clutched in a fist.” 

“I get that you're scared and that you've been hurt. But doing what is easy and safe is no way to live, and a life without passion and love is so far beneath what you deserve.” 

“I will fill myself with the desert and the sky. I will be stone and stars, unchanging and strong and safe. The desert is complete; it is spare and alone, but perfect in its soltitude. I will be the desert.” 

“I open my eyes to see Ry staring at me, and my desert soul erupts with turquoise water, floods and cascades and waterfalls rushing in around my rocky parts, pushing and reshaping and filling every hidden dark spot.” 
Why I Loved It:  Kiersten White is becoming one of my favorite authors.  She writes these books that are so totally different and unique but with this common writing that is just fabulous.  In Chaos, the figurative language is just gorgeous.  Isadora thinks in these beautiful scenes that makes you wonder if she too is a poet like the love interest in the book, the beautiful and Greek Ry a.k.a. Orion.  He is wonderfully Greek with the most beautiful eyes.  The thing is that Isadora is very Egyptian.  Actually, she is so Egyptian that her mother is Isis, goddess of life, and her father is Osiris, god of death.  I don't know how you are on your history, but Egyptians were not always fans of the Greeks.  But that's not even the problem.  The problem is that Isadora is tired of spending her life under her mother's thumb.  I mean, she's a goddess.  She tends to know everything.  Mothers can be hard on any teenage girl, but a goddess for a mother?  Yikes.

Considering that I tend to immerse myself in books with Greek or Roman Mythology, it was really nice to read some Egyptian mythology.  It was really interesting.  Even though Isadora drove me crazy at times, I really admired her as a character.  She was tough and strong and she had this amazing creative side that could transform the space around her into whatever her mind could come up with.  I can't tell you how much I admire interior designers.  I pretty much adore to HGTV shows.  Anyways, off that rabbit trail, the book has a great sense of foreshadowing the whole time which leaves you waiting to see what horrible thing could happen.  It builds intensity like crazy.  And I loved it.

Who Should Read It?  I'd recommend this one to anyone who appreciates mythology wrapped in a modern package.  It was fabulous for that.  This is a great quick read for those who love books that keep you on edge.
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1 comment:

  1. Clearly, you and I are on a mythological kick right now. Goddess, Antigoddess, House of Hades, The Chaos of Stars... This definitely sounds like another book I would love. I'm also a huge fan of Egyptian books, so win-win!


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