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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday Hunk Throwdown

 See, there is is this thing that I have loved for many years, a thing I cried about when it ended, a thing that involved so many witty conversations that made me giggle.  Conversations like this:

Lorelai: So, apparently, I'm now the Reigning Lorelai. Rory: Huh. I guess you are. Lorelai: It's a lot of responsibility. Rory: Well, sure. Lorelai: I mean, it's mostly ceremonial stuff nowadays. Declaring knighthoods, opening supermarkets. But now and then, you get to banish someone or pose for a stamp. Rory: Neat. And coins. Lorelai: Yeah, and coins. You know, someday you'll be the Reigning Lorelai. Rory: I don't like that idea! Lorelai: Why not? You get a cape. Rory: Because if I'm the Reigning Lorelai, then that means you'll be gone. Lorelai: Gone? No, not me. I'll step down way before that. I'm not going to pull a Queen Elizabeth on you, make you wait around forever, force you to develop interests in polo and architecture. Rory: I am scared of horses. Lorelai: I know that. Rory: So there's a cape, huh? 

What made me go back down the lane of nostalgia where I remembered the good ol' days of Gilmore?

This did.

Ok so aside for Rory's appreciation for the smell of books, there were some pretty attractive guys on the show.  We are going in order of appearance on the show.  Well sorta.... appearance of the guys in Rory's life and then of course her father.  Because he had to be included.  

1.  Chad Michael Murray who played Tristan a.k.a. Class-A Jerk.  I am so glad that I was in love with Chad pre-starting Gilmore.  I was a pretty big One Tree Hill fan in high school, so I loved his character on that show.  So I was able to just enjoy him as the bad boy on the show without being all offended at his jerkiness.  Granted, he did have his moments on the show that made him kind of lovable.  

2. Jared Padalecki who plays Dean a.k.a. Rory's first boyfriend/third boyfriend.  I was a bit in love with him during season one.  And I hated Jess with a passion.  A fiery passion.  Either way, he was so tall and patient and gorgeous and tall and did I mention gorgeous?

   3.  Milo Ventimiglia who plays Jess a.k.a. Rory's second boyfriend and home wrecker.  He is included on this list because of his bad boy-ness.  Which gives him at least a certain appeal.  More for other people than for me though I am sure because when Jess was introduced, all I wanted was for him to stay AWAY.  But he is pretty.  And he has awesome hair.  

4. Matt Czuchry plays Logan a.k.a. Rory's fourth boyfriend and my favorite.  A lot of people did not like Logan.  I loved Logan.  With a burning and sometimes overly passionate love.  He was gorgeous and a total high quality bad boy.  He really did care about Rory though.  *Side note:  I didn't love everything.  There were moments I wanted to slap in the face*  Still he is SO pretty.  

5.  David Sutcliffe who plays Chris a.k.a. Rory's dad.  He is so pretty.  I had a love/hate relationship with him on the show.  I did.  But regardless, I would stay very close to this man if I ever had a chance.  Very, very close.  

Have an idea for a Thursday's panel?  Leave me a comment.  



  1. Oh how I miss Gilmore Girls. It was such a good show. This post made me want to go back and watch a few episodes!

  2. This post made Me want to go back and watch. I borrowed some seasons from a friend just for that! =D

  3. LOVELOVELOVE Gilmore Girls! I'm so glad I got my brother into it because he bought every season on DVD so now I can watch it all the time!! I was so sad when it ended :(


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